The Vault of Public Domain
Millions of Documents, Images, Videos and Software Online for FREE!
The Public Domain as defined in Wikipedia consists of all the creative works to which no exclusive intellectual property rights apply. Most people do not realize it, but when the copyright or patent expires on a creative work (book, work of art, audio, video, etc.), anyone may freely use that work LEGALLY in any manner they choose even for profits without the obligation of paying royalties to the creator of the work. This is a HUGE library of works… it’s like legalized stealing except that IT IS PURELY LEGAL!
Just think of it, right now… you can have
– Over 85 million books, many written by the greatest authors to have ever walked the earth
– The full rights to a private collection of art produced by the world’s finest artists, illustrators and photographers.
– The keys to a movie vault containing thousands of classics you know and love—all at your fingertips—from vintage movies to cartoons and documentaries.
– Full, unhindered access to the millions of reports, books, videos and images produced by government every year at a cost of millions.
And Many now famous people made their way in becoming millionaires and even billionaires through the treasured Public Domain Materials – The likes of Walt Disney, Ted Turner (TCM), Dover Publications, David Vallieres, Matt Furey, Russel Brunson to name a few… and YOU Too can be one of them!
By visiting this site you can have access keys to thousands and thousands of Ready-to-Download (various formats) BOOKS, AUDIOBOOKS, PHOTOS/ARTS and MOVIES (from Aesops Fables, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Victor Hugo, Jules Verne and thousands more famous authors to collections of manuscripts, short stories, and poems) for absolutely FREE!

Huge collection of books, manuals, documents, and letters from various sources such as government websites, internet archives, and other various public domain repositories.

Thousands of movies produced in various genres – classic films, classic TV commercials, video archives, Edison motion pictures, and many more.

Thousands of royalty free audio materials such as audio books, community audio, old time radios, speeches, jazz music and other old and new music collection.

Vintage software collection produced from the early days of computing up to the latest development. Great to find all the classic PC games well preserved.

Huge collection of vintage images and famous high resolution paintings and illustrations from great masters in the history of art . Millions to be download for free.

Other collections that include billions of web archives, performances, digital library links, university collections, research institutes, and many many more…